Syncronorm GmbH is a manufacturer of high-end multimedia show design software that provides a real-time 3D visualizer. The team works worldwide and offers software and hardware solutions for show design, training programs, immediate support and consulting up to continuous software and hardware development. In an interview, Marketing Assistant Andre Portmann gave us an insight into the product world and innovations.

Andre Portmann | Marketing Assistant | Syncronorm
1. Unique 3D visualizations are possible with your software. Please tell us something about the functionality of the software.
Depence² is a worldwide unique software solution that combines design and real-time visualization of complex multimedia shows with precise show control. The modern and high-performance software engine guarantees a realistic simulation that can calculate and display various elements of a multimedia show in a physically correct way.
All control characteristics of real equipment components are realistically simulated. This way it is possible to program perfectly synchronized and complex shows in a user-friendly graphical timeline. The 3D real-time visualization allows the display of common show elements such as water fountains, light, laser, fog, fire and special effects, which can be easily embedded in a naturalistic 3D environment. The comprehensive 3D editor also enables the creation of detailed architectural worlds.
With Depence², Syncronorm provides the industry with a tool that focuses on creative development and an effective workflow. With various interfaces and compatibility with almost all show technology relevant protocols, Depence² is ready for the demands of future productions.
2. How has the industry changed since you started your production? What potential still exists in this sector?
Show design, especially in the field of multimedia shows, is constantly changing and appears more and more complex. Depence² offers a holistic solution for not only designing and programming shows, but also visualizing them in real time. This enables designers to work regardless of location, whether in the studio, office, at home or on the road.
Since multimedia shows can contain the most diverse elements and, especially in the touring sector, take place in equally diverse locations, Depence² can optimize the cost-benefit factor of a production many times over with a highly effective workflow. The chances of winning tenders increase drastically and the pre-visualization facilitates the preparation of shows many times over.
Depence² also brings together all the benefits of previous Syncronorm products and offers the perfect combination of software for the fountain industry and lighting market products. This enables the realization of unique shows and the development of completely new show concepts for the future of the global show industry.
3. You have been taking part in Prolight + Sound as an exhibitor for several years now. Why?
Prolight + Sound is the largest trade fair of its kind, many customers and friends of Syncronorm can be found at the fair every year. In this way contacts are cultivated and new great connections within the industry are made. Prolight + Sound is an ideal platform for interested parties to get to know Syncronorm products and to gain personal insights into the functionality of our software and hardware and the company’s philosophy. It offers the opportunity to have intensive discussions on a personal basis, among insiders and all those who want to become insiders.
Prolight + Sound is not only in Germany an important platform for corporate communication to the outside world, its visitors come from all corners of the globe. Despite its size, Prolight + Sound offers a familiar atmosphere, which is particularly popular in the event technology sector. This is where people from different sectors meet to talk about their passions together.
4. What significance does Prolight + Sound have for you as a trade fair for event technology?
Prolight + Sound is not only in Germany an important platform for corporate communication to the outside world, its visitors come from all corners of the globe. Despite its size, Prolight + Sound offers a familiar atmosphere, which is particularly popular in the event technology sector. This is where people from different sectors meet to talk about their passions together.
At the upcoming Prolight + Sound trade fair in Frankfurt, we will present several new modules for Depence², which will clearly structure and supplement the software’s functional scope. In addition, a new version of the company’s own V:Server hardware unit will be presented: The V:Server4 is the latest offshoot of the Syncronorm DMX show player, which features a touch screen, an optimized and customizable user interface and a lot of processing power. The specially developed live panel guarantees smooth communication from the Depence software range and allows for the realization of breathtaking shows while taking into account real-time conditions. A robust and reliable basis for multimedia show productions worldwide.
Pictures: Syncronorm