The signs are green for a sustainable future. With the Green Event Day, Prolight + Sound 2022 is sending out a clear signal: exceptional and spectacular staging can go hand in hand with ecological action. Taking place for the first time on April 27, 2022, the theme day will provide impetus for the industry’s innovative strength and sense of responsibility on the road to more sustainable event operations.

Lectures, panels and best-practice presentation

Lectures, panels and best-practice presentations on all aspects of the conscientious use of natural resources will be designed at the theme day, which is being created in close cooperation with the European Association of Event Centers (EVVC) with the support of the Association of Media and Event Technology (VPLT). Here, experts from the industry will address current issues and challenges such as:

What impact will the EU Green Deal have on the event industry?
How can sustainable event technology support the industry on its way to a greener future?
What needs to be considered in terms of communication to ensure that the commitment is also received by visitors and partners?

The experts include representatives from associations (EVVC, VPLT, LiveMusikKommission), entertainment technology companies (Adam Hall, Neumann & Müller, Cameo Light, DeerSoft), venues (Düsseldorfer Congress GmbH, Velomax GmbH, Markthalle Hamburg), tourism authorities, communications and event agencies.

Futurologist and trend researcher gives keynote speech

Future and trend researcher Oliver Leisse will open the theme day with his keynote address, “Does it make sense? On the desire for attitude and sustainability among Generation Z.” to open the day. The strategist founded the institute “SEE MORE Future Research & Development”, is the author of non-fiction books such as “Be prepared: 30 trends for tomorrow’s business” and host of the podcast “Future, Trends & Strategies”.

The program will conclude with a presentation followed by a Q&A session by Stefan Lohmann, founder of the Sustainable Event Solutions project. Lohmann will present the 16 Steps initiative for climate neutrality of the event industry by 2025 and explain why acting ecologically can also lead to economic advantages in a tough competitive environment. Participation in all lectures, workshops and product demos is free of charge for visitors with a valid ticket.


Program of the Green Event Day on April 27th 2022

Uhrzeit Titel Teilnehmer*innen
11:00 Keynote:

Macht das Sinn? Über den Wunsch nach Haltung und Nachhaltigkeit bei der Generation Z.

  • Speaker: Oliver Leisse, futurologist and trend researcher, speaker, author, podcaster and founder of the SEE MORE Future Research & Development Institute in Hamburg
  • Moderation: Awid Vahedi, Empowerment Coach & Speaker
12:00 Panel:

The EU Green Deal and the Event Industry: Challenges and Opportunities

  • Alexander Pietschmann, CEO, Adam Hall Group
  • Ilona Jarabek, Managing Director, Musik- und Kongresshalle Lübeck, Präsidentin des EVVC
  • Mike Keller, Managing Director, Markthalle Hamburg & Sustainability Manager/Consultant
  • Moderation: Randell Greenlee, Director Policy and International Relations, VPLT
13:00 Panel:

Entertainment Technology – Digitalization: New Formats, Products and Solutions for a Sustainable Future

  • Sebastian Schenk, Commercial manager digital live events, Neumann & Müller GmbH & Co. KG
  • Herbert Bernstädt, Lighting Specialist, Cameo Light
  • Moritz Staffel, Managing Director, DeerSoft GmbH
  • Moderation: Randell Greenlee, Director Policy and International Relations, VPLT
14:00 Best Practices:

With the EVVC on the way to sustainable action – today & tomorrow

  • Timo Feuerbach, Managing Director, EVVC (European Association of Event Centers)
  • Markus Demuth, Director Quality Management, Düsseldorf Congress GmbH
  • Daniela Wiese, Head of Marketing, Regensburg Tourismus GmbH
  • Moderation: Awid Vahedi, Empowerment Coach & Speaker
15:00 Best Practices:

Sustainability in Berlin – Strategy & Practice

  • Judith Engelhardt, Marketing and Press Officer, Velomax Berlin Hallenbetriebs GmbH
  • Annegret Zimmermann, Project Manager Sustainability and District Tourism Consulting, visitBerlin
  • Moderation: Awid Vahedi, Empowerment Coach & Speaker
16:00 Best Practices:

Communication SUSTAINFESTIVAL: Authentic, credible, transparent and continuous

  • Timo Feuerbach, Managing Director, EVVC (European Association of Event Centers)
  • Markus Demuth, Director Quality Management, Düsseldorf Congress GmbH
  • Daniela Wiese, Head of Marketing, Regensburg Tourismus GmbH
  • Moderation: Awid Vahedi, Empowerment Coach & Speaker
17:00 Vortrag:

Sustainability is not the problem, but the solution – also economically!

  • Stefan Lohmann, Talent Buyer & Booking Agent, Founder Sustainable Event Solutions

Focus on sustainability

Sustainability at eventsProlight + Sound underscores its focus on sustainability in the event industry with Green Event Day as part of this year’s trade show. The commitment of the trade fair and exhibitors is evident at various points. Manufacturers of products that can contribute to a positive eco-balance in event operations, for example, are marked with a special ProGreen mark in the exhibitor search and in the trade fair catalog.

In addition, there will be several guided tours to exhibition stands showcasing sustainable event technology in action and, for the first time, the Future Hub will be created entirely using recyclable materials and powered 100 percent by green electricity.

All further information on Prolight + Sound at

Images: istockphoto, anncapictures / Pixabay