Green events and sustainability are topics that are currently presenting the event industry with new challenges. There are many different levers that organizers and producers can turn. This also offers scope for new products. One example is the huge Instagrid battery, a prototype of which can currently be seen at Prolight + Sound.
Long-term displacement of diesel generators
Especially at large open-air events such as festivals or concerts, a lot of energy is needed to supply lighting, sound and video productions with power. In the past, many event organizers used diesel generators for this purpose. To replace these in the long term, the German-based company is developing mobile battery solutions.
The company is presenting its latest prototype at Prolight + Sound. The Instagrid Zero 360 is a mobile high-performance battery in a compact format for emission-free, noiseless electricity far from the power grid. The power supplier delivers up to 360 kWh and has an output of 180 kW. The peak output is 540 kWp.
The goal of the series is to optimize the efficiency of the energy infrastructure for temporary applications. The high-performance battery is designed to provide power for live events, festivals, film and media, reducing the use of diesel-powered generators. Zero can even be used as a stand-alone power source.
Fast, efficient charging
Of course, for the high-performance batteries to deliver the power, they need to be charged. Here, fast and flexible charging solutions are key, especially for time-limited projects. That’s why Zero makes it possible to connect DC charging stations with 50 to 150 kW to enable sustainable and ultra-fast charging at any location.
Instagrid Zero can be charged with any energy source that generates electricity. So to make an event or production sustainable, simply plug in a renewable energy source, charge and use power.
The high-performance battery is scheduled to hit the market in late 2024, and Instagrid will begin the pilot phase with select customers and partners at the end of this year. Until then, however, the smaller siblings can already be tried out and purchased.
Andy Mead is confident that this technology is future-proof. “The events industry is one that is always moving forward and advancing new technologies. This has been the case with LEDs and will be next for power. We’re sure the event industry will use and advance clean energy.”
Those interested in learning more about mobile energy sources can examine the prototype and its smaller siblings in Hall 12.1.