The countdown is on. In one month Prolight + Sound 2014 will open its doors at the trade fair in Frankfurt. The Prolight team is eager to see the manufacturer’s newest product highlights, the technology trends, live shows, exciting presentations, stirring conversations in the halls and many more surprises. In order to sweeten the wait, we are raffling off 10 pairs of tickets to Prolight + Sound.
An oldie but a goodie:
This is how the game works
You do have to do one little thing. Send us a picture of your oldest piece of technology, to pls-gewinnspiel //at //, remembering the motto, an oldie but a goodie. All the entries will be listed, and can be voted on, here in the blog. The 10 most clicked on photos will each win a pair of tickets for a one day visit to the PLS 2014.
We will start, naturally without a vote, with an example of the finest kind: The Variant 5550 from Stern Radio Sonneberg. It was built in 1966 and is the last tube model from the Sonneberg production. And it still works! Of course, the volume control has a mind of its own, changes on its own from loud to quiet and the other way around. But that is what makes it our golden oldie charming!
Now it’s your turn. Which acquisitions from the early age of technology do you still have? The team at Prolight + Sound is eager to see all the photos and is crossing their fingers!
You must submit you photo by February 28, 2014. Any recourse to the court of law is excluded.