Contour’s portfolio was recently expanded by 30 Clay Paky Show-Batten 100 AS that rely on an LED moving bar that covers even more professional lighting demands. The Show Batten were immediately put to use with 14 new Clay Paky Show-Batten 100 (symmetrical angles of projection) at the business conference Wirtschaftstag 2015 in Frankfurt’s ‘Jahrhunderthalle’, lighting up an unusual stage design.
This conference is also nick-named Germany’s ‘economic barometer’ and the topic this year is “Prosperity – Freedom – Security: Scenarios for a World in Upheaval”. During the event – moderated by Sandra Maischberger and Udo van Kampen – the focus for Contour lay on lighting the stage. This meant using the LED moving bar Show-Batten to illuminate the horizon of the original stage design developed specially by contour.
“In the run-up to the event we put a lot of effort into finding the right light for the job, and I think the results proved we made the right choice. The Show-Batten 100 AS is a real silver bullet when it comes to lighting up an entire horizon homogeneously at short distance. The tilt function also gave the lighting operator further possibilities for integrating the background into the design,” explained project manager Stefan Kevenhörster.
LED moving bar with constant pixel control
The order of the high-performance RGBW LEDs (10x15W) was planned in such a way that several Show-Battens could be used in series and constant pixel control remained. An additional bonus is the independent pixel control which offers a very fast electronic zoom (0.3 sec.) and a 16 bit resolution.
In order to meet various demands, the LED moving bar has access to more than 60 macros as well as tilt that can reach a rotation of 240° in less than 0.2 seconds. In addition, the AS version also has an ovaliser filter that allows the increase the angle of projection.
Source: Clay Paky