The newest development from PRG makes it possible for followspot operators control with greater flexibility. At the same time, the PRG GroundControl Followspot System is a relief for trusses because it takes away weight and space, which would actually be claimed by spot operators – an innovation that truly pays off with concerts and other large stage events.
GroundControl Followspot – the Future is Now!
Using the innovation, Followspot operators can precisely watch what is happening on the stage – with the help of the video monitor integrated in the PRG GroundControl. At the same time, they have access to all of the operating functions offered by the standard followspots. Here they use the followspot in the form of the modified PRG Bad Boys. Augmented by a HD camera under the spot lense, experts are able to keep an overview. This technology transmits 1080i HD-SDI to the screen on the ground control unit.
The Bad Boy connects to a truss box via DMX, which simultaneously offers a camera connection box (power and signal) and an additional BNC box. The conversion of all entry data takes place in the truss box, which is then transmitted to the ground control unit via a fiberglass connection. The system offers numerous control possibilities, including: intensities, zoom, frost, and edge as well as the standard features color and pan/tilt. Even a night vision function is integrated.
Eqipped with a very large zoom area, the spatial orientation is quite easy, from total halls to tight parts of a picture. Control take place on the PULT monitor, the parameters of which can be individually selected by the GroundControl operator. This PULT take total control as needed, including the light control in pan and tilt. This makes the use of lights as show light very easy. Using a small touchscreen, various commands can even be set up and saved in advance – a function that can significantly ease the experts’ everyday workload. Using the GroundControl Followspot system from PRG, followspot operators can safely and easily carry out their tasks.
Bildquelle: Screenshot