The combination of dance and music was compelling, the entire show fascinating and one of the biggest events in a long time. Those were just some of the comments about the current Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour.
Besides the acrobats, singers and dancers, it is the also artfulness of the audio and lighting, as well as the acoustic irradiation that makes this show an absolute must see event. Such renowned businesses as Meyer Sound, Martin Professional, DiGiCo and Optocore are the secret stars of the stage. These companies continually impress the visitors at Prolight + Sound with their high end products and their newly introduced developments.
For the acoustic irradiation in THE IMMORTAL World Tour the new LEO System from Meyer Sound is implemented. The distinctiveness is the linear sound rendering. As of late, it is being tested at festivals and shows. And it is a success- that’s what the developers at Meyer Sound are saying. In an interview with EventElevator, John Meyer spoke about the advantages of the linear system and why it is such a milestone for the company and the industry.